
I'm Ceci - cult survivor, writer, and a mama with a wild soul. Even when I was in the FLDS cult I have always been a rebel to my core and was often known as a free spirited girl.

Since leaving the cult and fighting to get my children back, we have embraced our freedom in every sense of the word and live life the way I always hoped we would. In the country with nature out our back door. Wild lives in our hearts and we thrive in living life on our terms.

Inspiration for Pink Valor

For years I felt a pull to share my story publicly and in meeting my husband he encouraged me to follow my heart about that. Within the first week I received hundreds of messages from women that had also faced adversity, and had left cults and abuse for freedom. I was blown away by how many came to my page to say they felt less alone after hearing my story.

This inspired me to write, draw and create the Pink Valor brand. The designs you see on the apparel is inspired by parts of my story, conversations I have had with other brave women in their journeys to create better lives, and a fire in my soul to stay free!

It has always been a dream of mine to have a place where I could share my style and creativity, while connecting with other women. This brand has given me the ability to do that!

The Pink Valor mission is to provide products, styles, and stories that inspire others to embrace the power of womanhood and live free, always!